DULCIMERVILLE has been produced since 2010 by mountain dulcimer performer, author and educator Lois Hornbostel. The setting is the lovely mountaintop Blue Ridge Assembly in Black Mountain, NC. For 4 years Dulcimerville has been a successful week-long school/festival for mountain dulcimer players of all skill levels, taught by great artist/teachers Lois selects. Our new plans are to have one or two weekend events of the same quality as the week-long events, which will allow Lois more creative time for her music and touring.
For updates on DULCIMERVILLE events to come check with www.Dulcimerville.com .
Information on Lois's touring is on this website. To book Lois Hornbostel/Ehukai Teves contact Lois at Loisdulc@frontier.com .
Hi, friends of Dulcimerville!
In 2010 I founded Dulcimerville at the lovely Blue Ridge Assembly in Black Mountain, NC. Since 1989 I have directed, founded and produced weeklong events for the mountain dulcimer. They have had satisfying impact on the popularity of the instrument and I've gotten to work with many wonderful staff, volunteers and students. These events have always been one way for me to express my love for the mountain dulcimer and share its wonder with others. But since long before I organized events I have always been a musician, playing concerts, writing books for Mel Bay, and teaching others to play.
Dulcimerville has survived financially under my independent production and financial investment in a tough market for music festivals. It has truly been a labor of love each year requiring months of inspiration, decision making, budget planning, publicity, and financial investment on my part. Devoting so much of the year to Dulcimerville week has not left me enough creative time to explore my musical inspirations and abilities.
My plans this year and in the future are to focus on playing my music, touring and doing some traveling to places I've always wanted to go, so I will not be producing an annual Dulcimerville week. We'll keep you advised on the possibility that I might produce some exciting weekend Dulcimerville events. I appreciate all of you who have written telling me you wanted to attend Dulcimerville in 2014. Your attendance will be important to making weekend Dulcimerville events possible.
These new plans can allow me more creative time, exploring new styles of music on the mountain dulcimer, inspired by some amazing new instruments I have, and collaborating with that great Hawaiian dulcimer player/songwriter, Ehukai Teves. We invite you to visit our website, www.DulcimerMusic.Net . If you are involved with musical shows/events yourself and are in the market for two hardworking mountain dulcimer entertainer-teachers with loads of credentials write to us c/o our website!
I want to express my gratitude and love to all the wonderful volunteer helpers and staff who have worked with me clear back to the '80s to make my weeklong events successful. Many thanks also to the participants who supported with their attendance my previous Dulcimerville events. I really appreciate all the fun we have together. I look forward to seeing more of you as we enjoy the mountain dulcimer and music more!
Lois Hornbostel, Producer